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How to Choose the Best Pre-Construction

investment | 7 Mins Read
Pre-contruction condos have become a hot ticket item within the Toronto real estate market, with young buyers and experienced investors all flocking to snap up the newest units on offer. However, it’s a daunting task to buy real estate off just a...
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Is Hiring A Property Management Company Worth It?

investment | 5 Mins Read
Whether you own one investment property of a slew of them, rental properties tend to come with a host of headache-inducing work that plagues owners. Add on the need to place tenants to avoid vacancy, rental properties never turn out...
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Pre-Construction Closing Costs

investment,toronto | 3 Mins Read
First time home buyers in Toronto have heavily gravitated towards new, pre-construction homes over the years, attracted by the promise of lower prices and high potential upside. However, fresh-faced buyers are often baffled by the closing expenses associated with their pre-construction condo purchase. With...
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Pre-Construction HST Information – How to Avoid Pitfalls

investment | 5 Mins Read
One of the many pitfalls that new home buyers encounter revolves around the need to pay Harmonized Sales Taxes (HST) on their pre-construction condo. HST is a unique tax that’s applied only to new construction, so those who encounter it are...
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