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Should I Upgrade My Pre-Construction Condo?

investment | 6 Mins Read
The Toronto housing market has soared over the years, with most condos featuring some of the heftiest price tags in all of Canada. In such precarious economic times, you might be wondering, should I upgrade my pre-construction condo? Have a...
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Should I upgrade my condo?

The Ins and Outs of Condo Assignment Sales

assignment | 6 Mins Read
Pre-construction condos in Toronto are selling faster than the city can build them, and for good reason. Not only do these condos offer more mortgage flexibility and customization options, you can also purchase a pre-con under an “Assignment Sale”. Does the...
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Assignment Sales

Up and Coming Neighbourhoods for Investment

investment | 8 Mins Read
The Canadian real estate scene has been on fire for a while now, with the city of Toronto claiming the top spot year after year as the hottest city to purchase real estate investments in. It’s no surprise too, as...
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Ontario neighbourhoods

Top 5 Areas With Great Walk Scores in Toronto

toronto | 5 Mins Read
The Toronto real estate market has been red-hot for years, but condo dwellers want more than just a picturesque skyscraper view; they want convenience. Luckily, with Toronto being the 2nd most walkable city in Canada after Vancouver, there are plenty...
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Top 5 Areas With Great Walk Score in Toronto
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